Rules and Guidelines

Be excellent to each other

We believe strongly in freedom of speech. At the same time, we think people should be kind to each other. That isn't meant to suppress speech or disagreement. It is meant to foster an environment where disagreeing isn't just about dunking on someone with a sarcastic comment.

Illegal content and conduct

You're not allowed to post illegal content or conduct yourself in an illegal manner.

Intellectual Property Infringement

You're not allowed to illegally use other's intellectual property.


Pornography isn't allowed on the service. This isn't meant to be judgemental, but rather to reflect the resources we currently have (which don't support us supporting this at the moment).


You can't claim to be or represent a person or organization that you're not authorized to. This is not meant to limit parody or satire.

Threatening Material

Threats of violence or calls for voilence against a person or group is not allowed. Remember, be excellent to each other.

Private Information

You're not allowed to post someone else's private information without their consent. Do not collect sensitive information like usernames, passwords, credit card numbers, social security numbers, etc. via the services.


The services are provided for your use to post things. They aren't provided to host files for use on other sites.

Spam and Auto-Generated Content

We want to provide a platform for people to express themselves, not a way for people to generate SPAM.

These guidelines are up to our sole interpretation, not exhaustive, and subject to change.
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